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Week 5 - Video Outcome

Updated: Nov 8, 2018

This week I am finalising my experiments into an output. I am creating a couple of new patterns, as well as using the patterns created in previous weeks from my motion tracks, to create a video compiling this series of patterns.

I have decided to show my series of 4 patterns of 4 habitual movements in a video. The movements are walking, typing, sitting and writing. The video goes through the movements as the pattern is being created.

I have also included the kaleidoscope effect test as another pattern created but stated that it still needs work and could be something I may wish to continue in the future.


My original question was 'How might habitual behaviour over time be represented through a series of digital patterns?'

I think this video shows a series of patterns representing habitual behaviour accurately. It shows a variety of movements which proves that this technique and concept works. The kaleidoscope effect also creates a pattern. It is based on an original habitual movement but edited into a the shape and behaviour of a kaleidoscope. This is no longer a direct representation of the habit but is made from that movement and has created a new pattern. It still needs work but I thought it would be useful to show that these patterns can be taken further and experimented with more.

Overall I think this outcome responds to my question well and I am happy with direction this project has taken.


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