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Week 5 - Motion Tracking

This week I am finalising my experiments into an output. I am creating a couple of new patterns, as well as using the patterns created in previous weeks from my motion tracks, to create a video compiling this series of patterns.


I decided to continue with motion tracking but with new movements. I recorded myself walking towards and then sitting on a chair, and also writing. I did this so I can have more movements to represent in my series of patterns and these are movements commonly done (habits).

Test One:

My first test was of myself walking to a seat, sitting down, and then walking back.

Final Pattern - Sitting


I attached paper on myself at different points so that I could track the movements of my body in different parts easier. I then pinpointed which markers are the clearest and would give the most difference in data compared to other points in the track. I ended up tracking points at my shoulder, stomach, elbow, and knees. I thought theses points would give enough space between them but I realised there is an empty gap in the middle. I decided to leave it like that however as there were no other points that would have tracked as successfully because of the way I was moving and turning. It still created movement and a pattern so overall I think this was successful.

Test Two:

My next test was of myself writing.

Final Pattern - Writing


Again I used pink paper as tracking markers to get a more successful track. I tracked the top of the pen and my hand for this test. As only one hand moves when you write and only creates small movement, there wasn't as much variety in this pattern as the others. However I think this is ok as it is a representation of that movement so it is an accurate pattern.


I think overall tracking my movements has been very successful. They accurately show trace the habitual movements over time and display a pattern based on that motion. I am planning to use the patterns created from motion tracking in my final outcome.


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