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Week 4 - Graphic Pattern

Updated: Nov 1, 2018

This week I am experimenting with the patterns created in the previous week. I am attempting to use, edit and play with them to create something new.


Using the pattern created in week 3 from the motion track of myself walking, I created graphic version of this in Illustrator that I could then edit and use. I wanted to somehow use the pattern I had created last week in some form of design.

Test One:

I first traced over the pattern made from the track. I then duplicated this to have a repeating pattern over the whole page. I did this as an A4 portrait page with the idea that it could be included in my final document/book. I then made the pattern more dense and also played with different brush types to try different looks.


I like how repetitive this pattern looks. It was interesting to see both a wide spaced and more dense pattern. This means there are options when creating a pattern based on the original movement. The different brush types gives more texture and interest to the line work but isn't as simple. It would depend on what final design is as to what brush and how dense the lines will be.

Test Two:

After creating these patterns I decided to try and use ti to create an image. I decided to create a figure walking since the pattern was made from the motion of walking. I also added a it pattern as a background too.


I thought about how this pattern was created from me walking and therefore I could use that pattern to represent an illustrative figure walking also. This way it adds a bit more context and meaning to the pattern. I also found that the more dense the pattern was, the better the figure's outline could be seen. However even thought he figure was more obvious there was less of the sense of motion compared to the first image where it's just a sense of the figure. The background was another way to create the figure but I think again the pattern is too dense that the movement/motion is lost.

Test Three:

I then decided to try using the pattern in an interior environment as a wallpaper. (“Wall Mockup,” n.d.)


I think this is a nice space to use the patterns created. However I also think the movement is not as clear and it is now too much into the graphic space and less a representation of motion.


I think through these tests I have found that by taking the pattern into illustrator/a design or print space it has become too static and the movement isn't coming through as much. It is now too related to a design pattern and is less clear that I created that pattern from motion. The most successful use of the pattern was the first figure design where the lines are spaced out and you can can only just see the figure. It has more movement still coming through compared to the others. I will not continue with this approach however, as I mentioned before, it is now moving further away from my original intent of representing movement.


Mock-Up Reference:

Free Wall Mockup in Gorgeous Living Room Environment. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2018, from


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